What you have is the posterior portion of a fish mandible, known as the articular.
How did you know that?
My background is in zooarchaeology, so I’ve spent a lot of time identifying and analyzing bones from archaeological sites. (Although I’m not good with fish and reptiles. Mostly mammals and birds where I’m at.)
They’re a fish boner
You can tell by the pixels
Thanks! 😍
It’s a fish bone, but not sure what species or part of the skeleton. I’ve seen many on beaches around the Gulf of Mexico.
There were a lot of cuttlebones, this doesn’t look like another just randomly cut, I don’t know
Sorry that was my best guess, either broken or eaten cuttlebone. But if it doesn’t look like the others then it’s probably from another type of sea creature, someone else is bound to know more (E: looks like someone does!)…
Fairly certain it a human hand with what appears to be a blackish paint of some kind on fingernails.