CBS News released results from a survey of Democrats, Independents, and Republicans about immigration measures. The Washington Post and CBS have both framed these results along the lines of “more Americans view immigration as a problem” which oversimplifies a complicated story. Opinions split along party lines as expected, with independents (many of whom are never-Trumper Republicans in disguise) leaning right.

Interestingly, the data itself shows Biden and Republicans each face similar levels of disapproval on immigration. Where they really diverge is on the question of why migrants are trying to cross the border: Democrats overwhelmingly think it’s because of worse economic conditions and increased danger in migrants’ home countries. Republicans think it’s because of Biden’s border policies. Republicans tend to view migrants as threats, Democrats tend to view migrants as people who need help.

The Washington Post analysis mentions that the Republican party has been corrupted by a xenophobic bent on the Great Replacement conspiracy theory (originally an antisemitic conspiracy theory now repurposed to be anti-immigrant). Republicans are much more afraid of migrants changing U.S. culture, which only further underscores how the right is driven by fear.

Instead of feeling secure in their patriotism and American culture, Republicans fear that the mere presence of foreign (brown) people will corrupt their way of life beyond repair. This fear makes it impossible for the party as a whole to view migrants as human beings, who have suffered and continue to suffer violence, illness, and death through no fault of their own. Fear has made the Republican party weak and reactive to anything perceived as “other” and, make no mistake, allowing this party to regain control of the government will bode very poorly for anyone who can be lumped into that “other” category (like Jews).

(Taken from an email sent to me by Never Again Action.)

    9 months ago

    The Democrats are pushing xenophobic ads this year too. In our state, every ad contains sinophobia and red scare tactics. Shit is ridiculous and my lib friends don’t understand how I could possibly choose to “throw away my vote” by not voting for Biden.

    I should just start solely gifting Lenin and slipping quotes into all of my messages to them.

  • Omega_Haxors
    9 months ago

    Just the US doing its usual swing from lowercase fascism to uppercase Fascism they do to push for to maximize fascism and minimize resistance. The repuglicans (i’m not fixing that typo) nazify the place and then the democraps (that one wasn’t a typo LOL!) are there to chill out the libs while not actually doing anything to meaningfully rollback what the previous administration did unless it gets enough heat off of the country.