Today’s kids don’t understand the struggle of 8 color gifs
Neither do today’s adults, since gifs always allowed up to 256 colors. (The “8” you’re probably thinking of was the number of bits per pixel.)
GIFs have transparency, but not alpha blending so it would have jagged edges. When PNGs were first supported by IE, you had to do some crazy ActiveX scripting calls to make it work.
At the time, Microsoft had shut down the IE team since they had beaten Netscape in the browser wars. If it hadn’t been for Firefox, we would be stuck with that crappy PNG implementation!
If it weren’t for firefox, we’d be stuck with a lot of shit
Gifs: am i a joke to you?
PNGs: No, you just weren’t alpha enough!
the only time i think I ever interacted with targa files was with team fortress 2, and probably valve games in general
I’ve never used tga in my life
Nah, they just had the interns rotoscoping everything manually
Back in my day we used BitBlt and we were damn grateful to have it!
Am I a joke for you?
Everyone: yes
No, I wasn’t blessed. My modeling career is still a work in progress.
bring back bmp and tiff formats
Ugh. I was so happy when jpg or gifs came Into common use. bmp and tif files took so long to load.
My scanner defaults to .tiff for some reason if I scan from the button and it cannot be changed. Have to scan from gnome-document-scanner if I want different formats.
TIFF was invented for scanners and is lossless, out at least less lossy than jpg
Back in the 90s, I was asked to critique a local business web site. I noticed a picture wasn’t loading correctly on Netscape Navigator when it was working fine on IE. Turned out, the designer had stuck in a 5MB BMP image. This when a whole lot of people were still on 56K modems.
i’m a chaos gremlin.
G g g gif, the one bit alpha wonder
PNG once appeared as likely to succeed as Firefox does now (not very). I can’t believe it finally achieved wide adoption.
But where’d the MNG and APNG go?
Pro-Tip: it’s still that way today, just smaller blocks. :-D
It’s pixels all the way down. :-P