check out these categories:
American translators
Poets from Tennessee
Sufi poets
University of California, Berkeley alumni
this mf is a bit on Trillbilly’s podcast lol
check out these categories:
American translators
Poets from Tennessee
Sufi poets
University of California, Berkeley alumni
this mf is a bit on Trillbilly’s podcast lol
that’s what wertheimer was explaining, a process where specialists from the language it’s being translated into refine and format beyond what rote translation accomplishes. if the only acceptable person to participate is a bilingual poet we’re not going to get many poetry translations. anonymous grad students that do the translation and such ought to be credited though
IMO The problem with good translation is that in order to do it right the person doing it has to have mastery of both the source and target language plus good understanding of the subject matter and knowledge of the terminology specific to the subject matter. Usually people with this much skill have better things to do so we’re stuck with dudes like in this post just absolutely butchering everything.
i feel like that’s the sort of person who could tell if a guy like barks is doing a bad job, we’re just as amatuer. there’s plenty people who might have the academic & language skills without the artistic chops for poetry or prose, and i don’t see what’s wrong with them collaborating with a creative type, to justify ‘unqualified’ people’s participation & consulting in a translation process.
by all means this dude might be grifter and distorter or scummy about crediting who helped him but simply needling on qualifications instead of specific translations he made that are wrong and comparing those to correct ones is a weird way to approach the issue
A small group that’s actually collaborating would be fine too, but it doesn’t sound like that’s what’s happening.
I will admit to being a stickler for this kind of thing, though.
he worked with John Moyne (a translator) & some Sufi that lived in Philly, apparently. like some people with related expertise have measured criticism you can find, mostly about “secularizing” the original work, but the pidgeonholing based just on the language/educational pedigree is the very-online devolution of an academic debate