the automods have made all subreddits unusable

writes a comment on hiphopheads - REMOVED, comments must be 250 letters+

hmm ive got a problem with my pc, guess i’ll ask on this PC sub -REMOVED, you most post questions to this thread that nobody uses

ok i’ll post a fun meme on this subredd- REMOVED, you can only post memes on sunday full moons

holy just let me use this god damn website

  • @morrowind
    152 years ago

    Unpopular opinion, but those rules are actually a good thing. Reddit has become a slump of one-liners, pop culture references, pointing out obvious things, resposts, and shitposting, and rules like that cut those down.

    • @DPUGT
      22 years ago

      Those rules, if they work at all, nibble away at the flood of shitposting. They don’t even touch 1% of it.

      Meanwhile, though I cannot prove it, I suspect that those same rules block some large fraction of the truly insightful comments/posts approaching 99%, if not reaching or surpassing.

      Rules are what control freaks use to get their control freak hardons all turgid. They have nothing to do with reducing shitposting but serve to concentrate it all the more.