• Muad'DibberOP
    12 years ago

    Yeah its def a possibility that a few who refuse to cooperate with the CPC are getting assassinated, or “extra-legal” means are being used. It only takes a few cases of that to instill enough fear in the super rich to make them not want to go against the CPC. Obviously nothing anyone needs to lose any sleep over.

    • @pimento@lemmygrad.ml
      02 years ago

      Doubt. China isnt like the United States, they dont solve problems with violence if that can be avoided.

      • मुक्त
        22 years ago

        Mao once gave a speech in Russia promising that China is prepared to “sacrifice” half its population to keep the revolution going. While I am certain they have become more refined today, but the notion that Chinese government is above using violence to keep its internal affairs in order has never entered my mind.