so this CHEF-KOCH guy banned and deleted my comments from his community. I messaged to ask why and he blocked me from messaging him. He recently made a post in /c/linux and i am unable to comment on the post of any of the comments to the post.

Is this intended by the devs? It seems like it only functions to hinder discussion. Say this dude just started posting all over the place in different topics and such, they could effectively block anyone they don’t agree with which would just kill any actual discussion on any of these posts. It seems incredibly backwards when he is not the admin of those communities. Who is he to say who gets to comment there?

  • kroldenOP
    2 years ago

    So you think that anyone who blocks anyone which also prevents them from posting elsewhere is a good model? That basically excludes anyone they want from the discussion. Yes it can be seen as a culture thing but IMO that’s a cop out. This place is supposed to be better than reddit (i assume) so why are we still falling into the same ol habits?