baraza - 0.14.1 - 0.14.3

I am posting from to ! Baraza is also federating with A mastodon account, follows community.

When the mastodon account replies to the post made by the lemmy account on baraza community, the reply goes to lemmy only and is not propagated to baraza.

will comment on this post with observed changes.

  • @nutomicA
    12 years ago

    Its a change we made for Mastodon to be compatible with Lemmy. So it was part of the v0.14 release, but we forgot to mention it in the changelog. Without it, Mastodon wont be able to fetch Lemmy posts/communities etc when you search the url on Mastodon. But that is working fine with your instance.

    There is something wrong with your inbox though, meaning activities sent to your instance dont arrive. Make sure you also have this line (with correct port). Ansible takes care of that automatically btw. If the nginx config looks fine, try to capture some logs on your instance while sending an activity (eg create comment or vote) to baraza, using docker-compose logs -f lemmy -t 100.