• Atelopus-zeteki
    92 months ago

    This is bullshit. No credible sources outside the GOP caucus, and Rand Paul give any credence to this. Now, it is certainly the case that the #45 administration did a horrible job in response to the pandemic, certainly increasing morbidity and mortality, a problem that continues to this day. smh.

    • @davelA
      2 months ago

      Jeffery Sachs is a primary source on this issue: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Sachs#COVID-19

      In spring 2020, Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, appointed Sachs as chair of its COVID-19 Commission, whose goals were to provide recommendations for public health policy and improve the practice of medicine. Sachs set up a number of task forces, including one on the origins of the virus.

      The Lancet is referenced over a dozen times on Wikipedia’s main COVID-19 page.