I used to be an avid reader, but years of high school and depression completely ruined that. I haven’t been able to complete a novel since senior year six years ago. It’s frustrating to me and I want to know how I can overcome my lack of focus and anxiety. I’ve heard I’m not alone when it comes to this sort of thing at least.

E: I wasn’t expecting so many replies. Thank you, all of you, for the ideas.

  • ikiru
    1 year ago

    It takes time and, for many throughout their life, things come in phases.

    I won’t go into the details of my life story but it’s come and gone for me. My last year of voracious and pleasureble reading was 2020 due to work from home and a relatively chill personal experience of the lockdown. Some things in 2021 happened and I’ve maybe read 3-5 books since.

    It may help to learn to be more forgiving of yourself and accept differences in your life that have changed your habits and hobbies. You sound like you have a lot more of life to go and you can’t expect to realistically hold yourself to many of the same standards of life you had from when you were young. Take it easy on yourself if you can’t expect anyone else or life to.