• @roastpotatothief
    3 years ago

    The article you linked,

    • It doesn’t mention or reference the Mehmud article.

    • It doesn’t conclude that ivermectin is not useful against covid.

    • It uses the word infodemic.

    Did you read it at all?

    This article does nothing to refute this one.

    An your other points.

    • Drugs can have diverse uses, and sometimes surprising uses are discovered. Why should a muscle relaxant cure malaria?! But it does.

    • He didn’t advocate not getting vaccinated. Where did that come from?

    Overall, your comment does nothing at all to refute @redbook@lemmy.ml’s one.

    • Kinetix
      -13 years ago

      You completely missed the point and information presented. Sorry you can’t grok it.