• @tory@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    USSR style. We can all be our ideal selves. We can finally be writers and artists living in our own large single family homes who teach children on the side, but only when we feel up to it.

    And no one has to be the guy who works on the sewers or anything unpleasant like that. Plus, maybe someone wants to do that work, idk. And if not, uh… robots can do it. Who builds, programs, hauls around, and uses the robots whose sole job is to unclog sewers? Uh, nerds, I guess. Or… other robots, maybe, idk.

    There will be no need for forced labor at all under this new system.

    • @eezeebee@lemmy.ca
      184 months ago

      Are we looking at the same meme? I don’t see anything about not working or having other expenses.

      • @tory@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        You lack vision here. If we’re canceling mortgages, then why not get rid of other expenses? Surely water heat and electricity are human rights and should be covered by taxes. And we could all likely agree on food as well. Why would we coerce people to work jobs they dislike? We could live our ideal lives if only we dismantled the economic system one layer at a time.

        …just don’t think about the details of how we’ll encourage people to do dirty jobs or you’ll get downvoted. That’s bad vibes.

        • @pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.cafe
          4 months ago

          Or just build a neoagrarian economic system that doesn’t require people to be coerced into doing shit jobs, as they now have high technology to help them build their own shit.

          Even septic tanks could be dug, installed and pumped through automation if we all branded together and invested the time and effort into building it instead of being discouraged by people like you.

          But you know, why try? After all, someone has to be a slave so let’s keep enslaving each other so you can be comfortable, right? Fuck everyone else. Only you matter

          • @tory@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            So if I wasn’t here- y’all would up and start building the utopia and get the septic robots working.

            If you say so. Hey, you know what? Please go ahead and start working on those things regardless. If you manage to build an autonomous sewage worker, you could probably make a lot of money while you wait for the economic system to change. Feel free to comment with your progress, I wish you luck.

              • @tory@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                All I’m hearing is fantasies from people who can’t pay their rent/mortgage and would rather burn it all down without a plan than work a 9-5. But sure, we’ll automate everything and no one will have to work and we can all live in big houses and play video games and post on social media all day.

                I mean, obviously, I won’t be automating everything. That sounds like work. Someone probably wants to solve all the problems, though. We can let them do it in their spare time while we chill. I presume that’s you?

                Honestly, it sounds awesome. Lmk when I can quit my job and not pay monthly bills.

                • @pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.cafe
                  -54 months ago

                  No, you’re literally not listening. I proposed not one but two pragmatic suggestions to implement what we’re asking for, and instead of thinking about what I’m saying, you’re just laughing me off and dismissing me because you don’t care about having an honest conversation. You’re just here to vent your emotions and pick on left-wingers who you view as beneath you.

                  You forget that my suggestions aren’t actually for you. They’re for the benefit of everyone else in the thread. You’re nothing but a springboard for us to jump off of to think and actually make what we want happen.

                  I guess sitting on your rotten, cigarette hole filled couch in your rotting Alabama trailer and putting down anyone who is different from you is better than actually doing anything to better your life. Like getting a GED, or actually doing honest work instead of living off of government benefits and hypocritically attacking anyone who supports government programs to help the needy like yourself.

                  I don’t judge you though. 🤷

                  • @tory@lemmy.world
                    4 months ago

                    I’m from the North and vote Democrat. I just like to live in reality. You know, where we think about things like who is going to do the dirty jobs when no one has to work unless they want to.

                    What was your solution for that again?

                    … And when that half assed solution doesn’t work, are we gonna go without sewers, or are the people with guns going to force someone to do it with the threat of violence?

                    But no, you’re not living in a fantasy.

        • GrayoxOP
          4 months ago

          Single income families should be allowed to exist, families are more important than corporate profits. Furthermore it is unrealistic to not work and just collect rent from folks who do

    • GrayoxOP
      134 months ago

      Bruh, its about valuing the people who work on the sewer more than the people who work at banks making money out of thin air. Its about shifting the whole paradigm of our society and focusing on what matters, I wouldn’t expect a “tory” to understand that though.

        • GrayoxOP
          144 months ago

          So why do folks who speculate and gamble with more money than a plumber will see in their lifetime make so much money while providing effectively nothing of value to society?

          • @tory@lemmy.world
            74 months ago

            Good question, we should probably tax the rich and make owning more than 3 homes illegal or something.

            But if we’re canceling mortgages, then why not strive for the ideal world, ya know?

            • GrayoxOP
              34 months ago

              Here’s the thing, we should strive for an ideal world.

              • @tory@lemmy.world
                64 months ago

                The ideal world isn’t a realistic world unless you can solve for plumbing, etc. If the meme was tax the rich, I’d have upvoted and moved on. We should improve the world we have rather than strive for dreams.

                • GrayoxOP
                  24 months ago

                  My guy, we have solved plumbing. You lack vision, i dont want to tax the rich, I want to abolish the system that allows the rich to exist in the first place.

                  • @tory@lemmy.world
                    4 months ago

                    Yes! Onward toward a USSR style system that somehow doesn’t involve forced labor, comrade!

      • @tory@lemmy.world
        14 months ago

        It is hard to beat the current system that encourages people to work a single profession for ~30 years 5 days a week in order to foster expertise. And somehow, (rightly or not) manages to make most of them feel like they do it willingly.

        • @explodicle@local106.com
          04 months ago

          The previous system beat it; fostering expertise across generations by inheriting your job from your dad. And they thought they were free too.