• @helenslunch@feddit.nl
    104 months ago

    EVs only environmental advantage is tail-pipe emissions.

    Thank you for making my point. That’s exactly the type of conservative parroting I was referring to and it’s absolutely not true. Good job 👍

    • @belated_frog_pants@beehaw.org
      24 months ago

      Have you read about the actual environmental costs and material extraction needed for electric cars? EVs are about saving the auto industry when gas runs out. Not about saving the environment.

      The conservative parroting usually takes a sliver of truth and runs with it while tacking on other bullshit to make it seem legit. The “anything to own the libs” is part of that dogma, but pushing a con is easier with a twisted truth to lead the bigger lies.

    • @PowerCrazy
      -34 months ago

      It literally is though. They are worse in every single other way including the people that defend them.