I’ve been looking for a free Reddit alternative and preferably one that was federated. I’m not really sure how federation works with this though. A lot of similar sites are just personal projects that people made as a hobby that lack a lot of important features or the interface was really ugly.

I haven’t seen how to moderate communities though but the Github page says this can be done, which I consider important since I want moderation to be done by communities and users rather then admins. If there’s a quarantine feature similar to Reddit that would be useful too so I don’t just have to ban communities.

  • @Ferk
    3 years ago

    Off topic:

    Sorry, this was a post I accidentally deleted by misclicking (it might be a good idea to add a confirmation prompt or something).

    I pressed “edit” on the deleted post hoping at least I could re-write it that way, the edit dialog was empty so I started re-writting the whole thing and saving.

    Then I realized the edit did nothing on deleted posts, so I had to post a new comment (the one above).

    Only after that did I found out you can actually press the delete button on a deleted comment to “restore it” (I guess “delete” just hides it?). But by then the earlier edit had overwritten the original post (so I guess editting deleted posts works, it just doesn’t unhide them).

    I’d suggest: either disable the “edit” button on deleted posts, or make it so pressing “edit” on the deleted post restores it right before you start editting it (maybe change the text to “restore & edit”)