• soronixa
    3 years ago

    I couldn’t find the exact quote, you might want to add it to this wikiquote page if you have a source. the closest I found was this:

    I do not admit that the dog in the manger has the final right to the manger, even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit, for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher grade race, or, at any rate, a more worldly-wise race, to put it that way, has come in and taken their place. I do not admit it. I do not think the Red Indians had any right to say, ‘The American Continent belongs to us and we are not going to have any of these European settlers coming in here.’ They had not the right, nor had they the power.

    but thank you for the post, it made me go and read some of the stuff he had said for like an hour and a half, and honestly his racism and political beliefs are mostly disgusting, yet his language is powerful.

    • CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
      3 years ago

      Churchill didn’t even want a war with Hitler. You probably saw that during your searches. He thought Hitler was a great man and there should be more Hitlers in Europe. The only reason the allies (excepted the USSR, they fought for survival) joined the war was because Hitler had started moving outwards. When he invaded Poland, that’s when they knew their strategy of appeasement wouldn’t work any more and he would come for them next. They still hoped Hitler would keep moving east though, and destroy the “red menace” first.

      After all they had been doing crimes just as horrible for centuries in their colonies.

      • soronixa
        3 years ago

        oh yeah, I was shocked how he was hoping too see “a Hitler come to power in the island if we lose this war.”

        If I have understood it correctly, he wouldn’t have a problem with Hitler or Nazis if they weren’t against British people. he opposes Nazism, yet admires Hitler as if the extreme nationalism in Germany was something he wanted in the “Empire”.