I rec a three pass shave; with the grain, across the grain, against the grain. Also, shave butter instead of soap. Also also, shaving under the jaw is easiest for me in the shower because otherwise I just make a mess all over the bathroom.
I have a Feather safety razor, but yeah, it’s clearly marketed “for Men” on the website. The tool itself is so obviously gender neutral and it just has a very plain and utilitarian stainless steel design, but they still feel the need for gendered marketing garbage. 😒
I rec a three pass shave; with the grain, across the grain, against the grain. Also, shave butter instead of soap. Also also, shaving under the jaw is easiest for me in the shower because otherwise I just make a mess all over the bathroom.
I have a Feather safety razor, but yeah, it’s clearly marketed “for Men” on the website. The tool itself is so obviously gender neutral and it just has a very plain and utilitarian stainless steel design, but they still feel the need for gendered marketing garbage. 😒
Thank you for the recommendation!