Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Build back beanis
Shoot em in the legs
Download headshots ➡️
Went to look up the United healthcare board of directors and it’s giving 404 page not found lol
I like her technique of getting more or less power in the sound by adjusting how hard she strums/plucks rather than relying on pedal effects (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but there’s a certain sound you get by doing it the more traditional way)
I had to go to the ER a couple months ago and my UH insurance covered basically nothing, but gave a “discount” that amounted to like $60. A couple weeks ago the hospital sent another bill for most of that “discount” 🙃
Lieberals say climate change is real, well then why is it snowing 🙄
Glad to see he crossed the street safely 🙂
The printerfication of TVs
Why does the safety look like that
Wait, I think it’s just non-ambidextrous
the CEO is chilling too
trump isn’t even president yet lol
I’m imagining that scene in spiderman 2 where he becomes unmasked on the train but everyone agrees to pretend they didn’t see him
All the trans girls I follow on tiktok progressed so much from when I last saw them, I’m jealous
This post inspired me to reinstall tiktok even though I’ve never used IG lol
fail sons create funny times
Why did you put your initials twice in your username