So, what’s up with the Great Firewall? What I’ve been told:

  • Google is blocked
  • Whatever VPN is blocked
  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    63 years ago

    Imagine your country was specifically targeted by malicious propaganda via the internet constantly. You can’t use sites hosted by your political rivals, because your citizens will be bombarded with anti-you propaganda.

    That’s the reality for China, so they blocked the western-backed sites. You can buy laptops with VPNs on them, some of them are supported by the government. But, by restricting easy access to western media, the CPC ensures their citizens won’t be flooded with hateful bullshittery on a daily basis. People who decide they want to visit western-backed sites are allowed to, but it’s at their discretion, which assumes they understand they’ll be faced with shit targetted directly at them.

    There’s various youtube channels that upload from China, which in itself disproves that google is strictly prohibited. As well as blogs, facebook pages, etc. If you’re wondering why you don’t often see people from China using western sites that much, which sinophobes try to use as proof that they’re not allowed to use the sites, look no further than the sinophobes. People who live outside of the west detest being in our internet spaces, because no matter where you go - you’re going to find pages and pages of people shouting hateful filth. They’d much rather use domestically hosted sites, like Weibo and Vkontakte, where they only have to deal with the ideocy of locals and the occasional lost foreigner.

    (Also note that western language speaking communities outside of the west tend to gravitate towards imperialist naratives, almost as though the provocation of English outside of the west was on purpose or something.)

    really, the “firewall” isn’t really that much of a “wall”, and is more of a waist high gate. People who want to get over it can, pretty easily. But it keeps predators out, so it does its job.

    • The Free PenguinOP
      23 years ago

      Ok, so apparently lemmygrad is blocked in china…

      A site full of COMMUNISTS blocked in COMMUNIST china…

    • The Free PenguinOP
      13 years ago

      Okay, but about this, you should be able to freely criticize the government without being censored for it.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer
        3 years ago

        criticism of the CPC and the Chinese government is legally protected, ya know, by law. Chinese citizens are free to criticise the government however they see fit. The notion that China has the power to censor whatever they like is, frankly, a western one.

        “Article 35 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration.”

        "Article 41 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China have the right to criticize and make suggestions regarding any State organ or functionary. Citizens have the right to make to relevant State organs complaints or charges against, or exposures of, any State organ or functionary for violation of law or dereliction of duty; but fabrication or distortion of facts for purposes of libel or false incrimination is prohibited.

        The State organ concerned must, in a responsible manner and by ascertaining the facts, deal with the complaints, charges or exposures made by citizens. No one may suppress such complaints, charges and exposures or retaliate against the citizens making them.

        Citizens who have suffered losses as a result of infringement of their civic rights by any State organ or functionary have the right to compensation in accordance with the provisions of law.“”

          • Star Wars Enjoyer
            53 years ago

            Is it really freedom if the CIA funded pirate radio station Radio Free Asia/Europe is suppressed?

            • The Free PenguinOP
              3 years ago


              You think that the fact that it’s “pirated” according to you somehow makes it worse? I believe that piracy should be legalized because, in my opinion, copyright is just another tool of the bourgeoisie.

              • Star Wars Enjoyer
                3 years ago

                “Pirate” radio, just means the radio station wasn’t licensed and broadcasts illegally. Radio Free Asia/Europe was illegally set up by the CIA in communist countries to broadcast anti-communist propaganda. RFE was a noted inciter of the Hungarian uprising, and I’ve heard RFA was broadcasting inciting propaganda in the leadup and followup to Tiananmen.

                I support pirate radio. I won’t say directly, because I’m not using a VPN to hide my traffic from my service provider, but I may or may not have worked on PR projects. You picked into the wrong part of the statement.