• @monobot
    86 months ago

    And it is always a question how they calculated handling of nuclear waste.

    There are options, we can use coal and natural gas for on demand power to fill the gaps in renewables, we don’t have to quit all at once. New ideas for energy storage and comming around, some of them might be useful for small towns, others for remote places.

      • Uranium3006
        16 months ago

        indeed. when you kill nuclear, the reality is natural gas and sometimes coal is the real replacement

    • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
      46 months ago

      there is very very very little nuclear waste.this is complete handwringing. it can be buried and forgotten.

      Bigger issue is the carbon costs and pay back periods. Nuclear (unless you’ve got sources otherwise stating) is green in it’s planning phase but not as often in execution. A shit ton of concrete is used, and the plants rarely operate at the capacity they are expected to (or have in the past). Open to revision but that’s my current understanding.

      They are a massive upfront carbon cost and only become carbon neutral or negative relative to fossil fuels 20+ years down the line.

    • Uranium3006
      -46 months ago

      nuclear waste, by definition of being radioactive, is the only wast that goes away on it’s own if you leave it sit for long enough

      • @Knusper@feddit.deOP
        16 months ago

        I was considering whether this is just a shitpost, but your other comments suggest that you’re completely serious. It does not go away. Radioactive decay causes multiple transitions between radioactive elements until it ends up as lead, which does not decay further.

        Of course, it should also be said that it’s better to have no waste than waste that eventually turns into lead.
        And that it’s still better to have waste than waste which also happens to be toxic.

        • Uranium3006
          16 months ago

          right, but when it lands at lead it’s no longer radioactive waste, which is the part everyone’s scared of. chemical waste doesn’t just go away like that.

        • Xavienth
          16 months ago

          Worth noting that solar panels are not without toxic waste. If left in landfills they risk leaching lead, cadmium and other toxic chemicals. The issue of recycling them at scale is not being seriously tackled.