Whilst the European Union talks of matters such as “strategic autonomy” and idealizes itself as a unified, independent force for good in the world, the reality could not be further from the truth. Espionage revelations are just the tip of the iceberg of a variety of ways in which the United States has, through its integration with Europe’s military and security dynamic, utilized a myriad of political tactics to strongarm the bloc into following its political will and agenda, even when it is apathetic or openly objects to it.

  • nutomicOPA
    4 years ago

    RT is far from perfect, and there is a lot of trash on their front page. But at times they also publish articles from excellent analysts, like this one by Tom Fowdy. I certainly didnt notice any pro-Russian bias in the article.

    This thread is about the specific article linked, not about RT in general. If you want to criticise RT, please do that in another thread.