The topic came up in this discussion of what feature would you like lemmy to have. I talked with nutomic (one of the developers) a bit about this and he suggested opening a separate topic so we could discuss if and how to implement it best.

  • @tracyspcy
    3 years ago

    Sure, just inject democracy into anything and you get success :) Iraq without “democracy” and with it is definitely different place.

    • @wiki_meOP
      13 years ago

      It’s obviously not a silver bullet, but it can help make lemmy more competitive with high quality content creators.

      If you want to make a comparison to countries according to the democracy index iraq is not really a democracy, i think if you will compare countries democracy score with some measurement of well being (e.g. life satisfaction scores) you will find there is a good correlation. not a perfect one because other things are also effecting well being (e.g. quality of education , culture ).

      • @tronk
        13 years ago

        It’s fair to both be critical of how “democracy” has been wielded as a weapon in the past and trying to make an evaluation of whether a country is democratic. In other words, you’re both onto something.

        The discourse of democracy can be used as a rhetorical weapon. It was used as such in Iraq. But it is different to have democracy as a discourse and democracy as a social practice. What is the alternative to democratic social practice? Hierarchies. And it so happens that we can measure both types of social practices and their gradients in between. This is what did by finding the correlations. In other words, democracy as discourse is much more condemn-able than the incredibly powerful democracy as a social practice.