• Are you a speedcuber? Casual solver? Puzzle creator?
  • What method do you use? Personal bests?
  • Your mains?
  • Favorite category/events?
  • Anything else?
  • SeerLite
    23 years ago

    Yoooooo hell yeah we have a cubing community!

    Personally haven’t been cubing a lot lately… I was mainly a speedcuber but only got to sub-25 (pb 12s). I “mained” the GTS2M (you can probably judge by that the time I stopped speedcubing) but when I’m casually solving (like lately) I like to use the GTS.

    Despite being only sub-25, I know full CFOP (all OLL and PLL) though everytime I take big breaks in cubing I tend to forget some OLLs haha. Learning algs is one of my favorite things about cubing.

    I can also do BLD but I’m terrible at it. I have something like 30% success rate and can’t get down from 5 minutes. I’ve been practicing it more now that I’m not as into speedcubing, but it’s not a constant practice either. Last time I even tried was probably more than 3 months ago.

    So lately if I ever find myself bored I take get my GTS and do some casual solves. If I’m feeling really inspired I practice BLD. I might get more into again it if I see lots of posts from this community though haha :P