I have set an icon for this community. Please tell me what you think, or if you have any icons you think would be better.

  • @Landrin201
    211 months ago

    I like it! I’m late to the party though, this post is pretty old.

    Question for the mods here: Is it possible to make the word “Politics” on the sidebar into a link which takes you back to the main page of the community? Maybe this is a noob thing, but I kind of automatically want to click the icon and the name of the community- frankly, the way you would on reddit- to go from the comments of a post back to the main post feed of the community. I know the link is right below them, but it’s a muscle memory thing, you know? And I know I’ll get used to it, but for newer users (especially considering how many are coming from Reddit right now, myself included) it would make the transition easier.