Do you have any experiences to share about it or other phenethylamines?

  • ghost_laptopM
    03 years ago

    I d0n’t rec0mmend them, it g0t me like really tired but I was having visuals but I was expecting t0 be super energetic s0 it was dissap0inting.

    I think that if y0u f0ll0w a small d0sage and y0u are already used t0 similar stuff y0u will be 0kay. I w0uld rec0mmend Erowid t0 search f0r inf0rmati0n, if available.

    • @pancakeOP
      13 years ago

      Yeah, you’re right… I should absolutely get some info first and use a sensible dose to start with. I can see there are at least some trip reports in there… Cool, thanks!

      • ghost_laptopM
        03 years ago

        Yeah, l00k 0ut f0r different types 0f d0sages (small, medium, big(, start with a small 0ne and see what’s the estimated time f0r it t0 hit, if y0u’re feeling like it’s n0t hitting much, take a bit m0re. Erowid is like the best place t0 find reliable inf0rmati0n f0r drugs, I w0uld l0ve t0 kn0w h0w t0 design web sites s0 I c0uld help them, since they are l00king f0r it, and make it libre.

        • @pancakeOP
          23 years ago

          I know a site called PsychonautWiki that does a similar job, and can be edited by anybody

          • ThaResearchGuy
            2 years ago

            and generally knows the difference between phenethylamines and alpha-methylated phenethylamine…