Minimalist Void Linux setup using Sway, and Foot Term.

    • @atyhOP
      43 years ago

      It is my favorite distribution so far. And Ive tried many over the last decade. It feels like a hybrid between OpenBSD and linux. In fact many of the OpenBSD tools have been ported over. Including doas, which is much better than sudo IMO. It is a rolling release, but its a stable rolling release unlike arch, meaning they spend more time making sure things work before pushing updates. It doesnt use systemd, and is just a much more simple, and stable system than Ive used up till this point. Once you learn how things work, you could probably go for years without a major upgrade because of the rolling release model. I dont know how things are with larger desktop environments, as I have only ever used dwm, and sway, but for that kind of setup, I love it.