• relay
      1611 months ago

      Marx himself wrote a letter to Lincoln congratulating him on his election. How can a Marxist be neutral on the civil war? Was it that if the confederacy won, the USA might have been weaker?

    • @fire86743@lemmygrad.ml
      811 months ago

      Bro you put neutral on the American Civil War. The role of the Union was progressive at the time as it destroyed Southern slavery and paved the way for the full construction of capitalism and thus socialism.

    • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
      11 months ago

      India began to fight Pakistan over Pakistan committing US backed genocide in Bangladesh. India was expressly in the right for their stance against Pakistan.

      Also you’ve already discussed it, but I assure you that the Confederacy winning would be much much worse for Native Americans. Forget predatory reservations or land stealing, Native Americans were considered beyond subhuman by the Confederacy and were barely fit to be slaves, their genocide would have been much more horrific and complete.

      Also leaving several million black people as chattel slaves for no reason is also extremely weird. Even Marx and Engels were pro Union.

      Plus the industrial nature of the Union allowed the country to persist into a capitalist stage of economy with a industrial worker base. The confederacy on the other hand was still an agrarian “feudal” slave state that was not at a capitalist stage which could be transitioned to socialism.

        • ButtigiegMineralMap
          11 months ago

          I agree, I have a VERY critical support of Russia, there’s fucked up stuff happening and it would be wrong to ignore it, but being truthful, they are fighting fascists in Ukraine so it’s tough for me to not encourage them to kill Nazis

            • ButtigiegMineralMap
              411 months ago

              Exactly, plenty of people are upset that DPR and LPR requested help from Russia, but truth be told, it’s mostly because they see themselves as Russians and because Russia has a track record for being against Nazis. They definitely would’ve asked the USSR for help if it still existed but it doesn’t so being pragmatic, they sorta need Russia’s response to this.