Judging by the sound delay, the explosion was likely up to 5 miles away. BBC interviewed locals, who claimed that the shock waves were so powerful they might have died if they were just outside. Zelenskyy’s delusional war is suicidal, this must end

Target was most likely a large ammunition depot. Judging by the sheer amount, that was their storage for their entire spring counteroffensive. Welp.

  • @Navaryn@lemmygrad.ml
    01 year ago

    as a rule of thumb, when those figures complain about a lack of ammo it’s for one of two reasons:

    1. they need to create the perception that the army is lacking in its ability to protect the country, thus manifacturing consent for higher military expenditure and whatnot.
    2. they want to make the enemy think they are weaker than they actually are. This is what both Russia and Ukraine have been doing in Bakhmut, each complaining of a shortage of shells in order to encourage the other side to get out of cover.

    Armies do not voluntarily expose their weak points, so assume that whenever army officials say shit like this, it’s not genuine.