Gluetun using ProtonVPN docker, with the following apps running through:




Deemix - though I’m having trouble finding good arls lately


Requester - linked to discord

  • @butter@lemmy.jamestrey.comOP
    31 year ago

    Slskd has taken second fiddle to deemix, lately, but it’s making a comeback since freedeezerarl was shut down.

    At least I’ve been contributing this entire time.

    • krolden
      21 year ago

      Yeah but didnt deezer finally block the method used to grab flacs with deemix? I grabbed a bunch of flacs from there years ago and found a lot of errors in the audio in different rips. Even downloaded some twice to be sure I didn’t screw it up so apparently it was bad on deezers end.

      Between slsk and redacted, ive been able to find pretty much anything I could think of.

      • @butter@lemmy.jamestrey.comOP
        21 year ago

        Yes, redacted is the end goal. I’m just not quite in it. Deemix works as long as you had a paid account. I followed a guy who had “a method” to generate premium ARLs, that he would never share. Didn’t mind at first, but eventually he started trying to charge for them. Then he rage quit and deleted the subreddit, which actually had a little community of people sharing their own accounts.