Both comments on a post when one guy kitbashed pretty nice soviet-inspired army for 40k

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.mlOP
    1 year ago

    The only thing nids have good are minis, easily best looking alien swarm type ever. Except that everything about them is completely boring standard alien swarm thing.

    Compared to theocratical turbofeudalonazism of imperium or unhinged lovecraftian horrors of the chaos or eating all life bugs etc. Tau they are the second least worst faction out there, expecially that most of horrible things about them that were introduced after initial backlash were retconned after yet another backlash, plus ethereal caste and Greater Good were confirmed as honest attempt and not chaos cover up.

    Funnily enough, i once read about project where the setting and its factions were turned around from grimdark to noblebright. The only one not touched at all were Tau and they were the worst faction there (idk about Tyranid though, i guess you can’t flip this thing).

      41 year ago

      Nids are a lovecratian horror tho. Lovecrafts horrors were the unknown and human actions flatout not mattering, any heroism against the hive mind is akin to one particulary troublesome shrimp - about to be eaten by a whale. The Shrimp can bite and stab all it want. It doesn’t matter. And the whale won’t notice.

      It gets even more obvious when you remember Genestealer Cults, basically Lovecrafts cults summoning their gods.