The idea of free information is incompatible with the existence of corporations that profit from its commodification. The battle to make information free is the battle for an entirely different world.

  • @Foresight
    11 year ago

    We said that about the internet back then haha

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      11 year ago

      Non commercial internet never did go away though, it’s just become more niche. I think these things ebb and flow. The pendulum swings one way and then the other. :)

      • AJ Sadauskas
        21 year ago

        @yogthos @Foresight Hopefully the pendulum is starting to swing back.

        The problem with the non-commercial internet has always been that there’s often been a barrier to entry, in terms of technical expertise (especially anything that involves setting up your own server).

        That’s fine for those with the know-how, but it’s not so good for grandpa who gets confused and calls the grandkids each time the order of the icons changes on his phone.

        #fediverse #mastodon #foss #ActivityPub #OpenSource

      • @Foresight
        21 year ago

        If there was just one consistent synthesis then that would be it. The ebb and flow between the commons and survival hopefully one day the synthesis will land on the commons once and for all. The one thing i like about the commons is shows just how much bullshit we don’t actually need, look on the google play store all the crap on there people making cash grab apps to make money then compare it with F-droid.