🚨 ActivityPub Client and C2S Support

If you read that and you have any influence in the development of Fediverse projects please make sure the CORS headers for the following endpoints are set to \*.

* /.well-known/webfinger (needed to fetch account information)
* /.well-known/nodeinfo (needed to get information what sofware the instance runs)
* The outbox endpoint to get posts and all referenced endpoints to be able to access public content from web

/cc @fediforum @fediverse @fediversenews

  • @helge
    11 year ago

    Not sure, I just created a Lemmy account to find out and I don’t see an option.

    I now want to mention @nutomic in this reply and ask if such a feature exists or is on their roadmap. Unfortunately, I also don’t see how to do mentions on Lemmy.