I’m a dumb idiot American who only speaks 1 language fluently and doesn’t have the money to pay for foreign language classes at a university. What are some good ways to learn a new language from the absolute starting point

      • @Munrock@lemmygrad.ml
        31 year ago

        If you’re planning to visit, I strongly recommend visiting as soon as you have the basics of the language. Learn how to ask for food, learn how to ask for help, and learn how to ask someone to speak slower. Then you’re ready to go. Nothing beats full immersion for learning a language.

        The trouble is, as an English speaker, when you try to use another language often times the person you’re talking to speaks better English than you do their language, and they’ll switch to English. Or a helpful stranger will translate. And then you’ll feel obliged to use English instead of wasting people’s time. Full immersion takes a lot of discipline for Anglophones, but you’ll meet people who will appreciate your effort and oblige you with conversation and impromptu teaching.