• Well damn, maybe if antibiotics weren’t used as a fix all this could have been prevented. The amount of times someone with a viral infection or no infection at all is still given antibiotics is a major driver of bacterial drug resistance. We fucked around and are now about to find out…

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
      61 year ago

      And then there are all the drugs and antibiotics being used in animal farming. Large scale commercial farms are basically breeding reactors for new drug resistant disease. As a bonus, all these novel viruses and bacteria are in close proximity of humans working at these farms.

      • Another reason why animal farms should be fucking stopped and prohibited, but no, “muh freedom to eat meat” and the fanatics of never changing anything that gives them some sort of superfluous comfort and identity will try anything to drive us to extinction again… Nice.