One ‘‘banger’’ from the comments

    • Muad'Dibber
      101 year ago

      I think its maybe one of the people who fled Cuba during the special period. The evil empire overthrew Cuba’s number one trading partner, and has a crippling trade embargo against this small island nation, but no its communism that’s at fault.

    • @spaphy
      15 months ago

      When Vietnam switched governments years later there was problems where their government essentially behaved like a dictatorship according to the man that drove me that evening via Uber. Later he had cause to go in a boat as a young boy with his aunt and attempt to flee the country. He said his brother and family were left behind and his dad killed.

      I mostly brought up this story because it was my first encounter with someone that had first had experience with any kind of change of government and communism; because that was how he viewed AOC redistributing wealth to college kids - he saw it similar to how his house was given to his family then later taken away because the government deemed it so, so when asked about what he thought he responded so wearily.