What is this hexbear rule? We are becoming the strawman fascists are making of us Edit: furthermore I think this does not help federation at all, I think we should follow the same principle that is used in extradition: it must be illegal in both states in order for the person to be extradite, or it needs to be illegal on both platforms to be removed, but again, that might lead to problems if a community deems racist jokes, for example, not illegal so we can’t do much about it, it’s an headache. Edit 2: i think I could be misunderstood easily, Im not attacking the platform, just saying that that’s a generally stupid rule.

  • SovereignState
    1 year ago

    I consider myself a vehement proponent of animal liberation and have a great deal of respect for radical veganism and advocate policies of reducing meat production and consumption. I’m a vegetarian and have been for almost 7 years and I’m never going back, just not strong-willed enough (yet) to go whole hog (pun intended) into being a vegan.

    With all that out of the way, I agree with you 100%. This is the same shit as banning people from online spaces for being “ableist” when they call Nazis idiots. It’s weird ass power-trip LARPing and as much as I respect and believe in radical veganism (up to and including actual policy) the revolution will not be won by this lifestylist caricature of communism. Doubly ditto on your pointing out the hypocrisy of them caring about pictures of food while refusing to eliminate misogynistic language from their vocabulary and supporting the sex trade up to and including advocating for state-sponsored sexual assault facilities for incels, it shows the anti-humanist core of their beliefs. I’m all for deconstructing anthropocentrism, but this is not the way.

    • @frippaOP
      91 year ago

      This. 100 times this