What is this hexbear rule? We are becoming the strawman fascists are making of us Edit: furthermore I think this does not help federation at all, I think we should follow the same principle that is used in extradition: it must be illegal in both states in order for the person to be extradite, or it needs to be illegal on both platforms to be removed, but again, that might lead to problems if a community deems racist jokes, for example, not illegal so we can’t do much about it, it’s an headache. Edit 2: i think I could be misunderstood easily, Im not attacking the platform, just saying that that’s a generally stupid rule.

  • DankZedong
    261 year ago

    I always found the veganism debate funny within Marxist circles as it can really, but like REALLY divide the movement lol.

    I mean, why not do something so small as to put a content warning on your post for animal products? We do it for a shit ton of other stuff, one more wouldn’t hurt a soul.

    This isn’t about the feeding the hungry who don’t have anything debate either. Yes, an egg might not be that hard to look at for most people but meat might actually be. It’s a dead animal lol. And I saw someone on here saying that people wouldn’t be upset about a cow being slaughtered. Yes, they do get upset lmao. Who the fuck are you to decide whether people get upset about that or not? It’s an animal being killed. The world is burning when a puppy gets killed, a cow is just the same.

    Animal Liberation is very much a leftist value we should strive for. Just like food security for everyone is. Ideally, we should combine them.

    • DankZedong
      201 year ago

      I want to add that they are not even asking you to go vegan. They are just asking to keep other comrades in consideration, because they might get upset by your post containing animal products. It’s such a small thing to do, man.

    • @frippaOP
      91 year ago

      yea but why does an ice cream deserve a trigger warning? ive met my fair share of vegetarians and vegans, i dont think they would be traumatized by seeeing a dairy ice cream or an egg, trigger warnings are for serious stuff

      • DankZedong
        171 year ago

        Look, I’m not naive enough to think we can all go vegan on a while and I’m aware of things like native people using meat as ways to survive their sometimes harsh environments. But some comrades just get rabies the minute the word vegan is mentioned and start saying stuff like BOURGEOISIE BULLSHIT, completely ignoring different lifestyles and even non Western cultures all over the world. It just doesn’t help with the very serious discussion you can have regarding veganism and marxism.

      • SovereignState
        1 year ago

        There is no equal animal rights. We just impose different rights on different animals depending on their purpose and relation to human beings.

        You seem to be saying this as if it’s a self-evident good, or at least ethically neutral. Is anthropocentrism just some unquestionable tautology?

        I appreciate that you can concede that warnings for things like raw meat or straight up animal slaughter are understandable and acceptable. I don’t want to see that shit literally just because it makes me (and I know others) uncomfortable. I’m also not talking about a picture of someone’s stew they made or whatever, I’m thinking more opaquely violent or evocative imagery. And as I said below, I tend to agree that a trigger warning for like, a block of cheese or whatever, is an overreaction that will likely only serve to alienate many that’s pretty far removed from the cultural understanding of animal agriculture and omnivorism generally. I’m interested in understanding your reasoning for believing animal liberation is impossible (I am asking in good faith, just so you know - not shitstirring or trying to proselytize radical veganism to you).

      • @xxcvzvcxx@lemmygrad.ml
        51 year ago

        Someone might also be reminded of child slavers in Africa if they see a computer, so put a NSFW on that too, and someone might be reminded of sweat shops if they see clothes, so put a NSFW on that as well. I saw someone on here saying that people wouldn’t be upset about a child slave. Yes, they do get upset lmao. Who the fuck are you to decide whether people get upset about that or not? It’s a child being exploited. Why not do something so small as to put a content warning on your post for electronics and textiles?

        Simple, because if you put a fucking content warning on everything then content warnings become pointless. Maybe vegans should just learn to chill.

    • SovereignState
      1 year ago

      I consider myself a vehement proponent of animal liberation and have a great deal of respect for radical veganism and advocate policies of reducing meat production and consumption. I’m a vegetarian and have been for almost 7 years and I’m never going back, just not strong-willed enough (yet) to go whole hog (pun intended) into being a vegan.

      With all that out of the way, I agree with you 100%. This is the same shit as banning people from online spaces for being “ableist” when they call Nazis idiots. It’s weird ass power-trip LARPing and as much as I respect and believe in radical veganism (up to and including actual policy) the revolution will not be won by this lifestylist caricature of communism. Doubly ditto on your pointing out the hypocrisy of them caring about pictures of food while refusing to eliminate misogynistic language from their vocabulary and supporting the sex trade up to and including advocating for state-sponsored sexual assault facilities for incels, it shows the anti-humanist core of their beliefs. I’m all for deconstructing anthropocentrism, but this is not the way.

      • @frippaOP
        91 year ago

        This. 100 times this

    • loathesome dongeater
      131 year ago

      It’s merely for the personal feelings of these types, the same types who will laugh at and upvote a sexist meme format with the b-word, a slur against women that many men including those who deign to call themselves progressive and these days increasingly even “Marxist” feel free to throw about abusively without a thought.

      Where are you getting all this from? Is this something you saw on Hexbear?

    • @darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      I mean to me this is “the revolution-less, ineffectual, naval-gazing WESTERN left” personified. You don’t see AES countries obsessing about this, you don’t see their parties publishing papers and enacting policies while losing their minds over animal welfare. You don’t see their theoreticians busy thinking and writing on it. Because it’s a far off problem for another generation. A bridge beyond the horizon. Yet people here will freak out about it and make a rule, draw a line in the sand over it.

      As I don’t need to figure out how communism will be implemented and the particulars of that because I’ll be long dead, I also don’t need to figure out how this works, how we are supposed to approach this. Nor will I live to see a time where there is the right conditions for experiment to try and find a path.

      • @darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I hope this rule is not brought here.

        Hexbear has some truly awful rules and practices and if this place has the same rules and federates with it, it becomes it which is to say a non-Marxist space that I will find more taxing to use. I don’t mind going there sometimes but I’m here 10 times as much because they have a lot of problematic behavior and takes.

        One last thing. Many vegans are very anti-humanist. I find it very disturbing. I find their spaces disturbing. I find their circlejerks over the animal suffering over the world-wide human suffering which I consider the pressing matter to be a distraction and a depressing and unproductive one which is getting off the productive path to Marxism and that’s just one of the reasons I don’t want an explicitly vegan space.

    • @frippaOP
      91 year ago

      Why though? Meat is processed food, I’m not eating a corpse fresh off the ground

      • I’m not talking about hamburgers here. A raw cut of meat may be processed, but it’s still clearly part of a dead animal (particularly for birds). It’s obviously not as bad as showing an animal’s corpse, but I understand why it would make some squeamish, and marking such posts as NSFW is a simple gesture of consideration for those people. It’s also worth considering that many people would have a very different reaction to a dead plucked chicken than they would to a dead shaved dog, and many people would probably consider the latter NSFW

        With that said, I don’t think anyone omitting an NSFW warning should receive anything worse than a reminder, considering how prevalent meat is (assuming they don’t continuously ignore the rule)

        • @frippaOP
          -11 year ago

          A raw cut of beef looks a lot like a seedless watermelon slice, why is the first one considered NSFW and triggering (putting a slab of meat on par with r4pe, v1olence etcetera) but the second isn’t?

          • I disagree that they look similar unless it’s a very low-resolution photo, but to answer your question, the difference is that the watermelon was never a possibly sentient animal. Them being former livestock doesn’t make their lives inherently less valuable than the average pet, even if this goes against many people’s immediate reactions.

            I’ve also never compared meat to rape

            • @frippaOP
              21 year ago

              I know you didn’t compare it but slapping a content warning on an ice cream, is inheritanrly saying that ice cream should be “punished” as harshly as rape, its like weed, the punishments are less severe but its still considered by the state a drug, just like stuff that actually kill people like heroin and coke

              So slapping a content warning on meat/dairy, although with less punishments for transgression is the same as criminalising weed consumption, although with less severe punishments, this equiparates almost harmless weed to deadly heroin and almost un-triggering ice creams to really triggering rape

              • slapping a content warning on an ice cream

                As I said, I don’t think this is reasonable either.

                content warning on meat/dairy

                Never said that it should be on dairy, either. It seems like you’ve confused what I’ve said with what some other people in this thread have said.

                Marking raw meat as NSFW is just a courtesy because it makes some people uncomfortable; doing so does not lessen the impact of an NSFW marking for rape, just like NSFW markings for nudity.

                • @frippaOP
                  01 year ago

                  Well if u replace “ice cream” with steak my point still stands, if we put NSFW markings on meat, people won’t take NSFW markings seriously

  • They should make the content warning for all foods. Although this is just for a specific community, from what I understand. In our hyper-capitalist society, many people have issues around food, which can range further than anorexia and bulimia – they’re the two big ones, but there’s many more triggering elements to food.

    Keep it civil and good faith in here comrades.

    • @frippaOP
      61 year ago

      Although this is just for a specific community, from what I understand

      Sitewide rule on hexbear, I would tolerate it if it was on a vegan/vegetarian community or like that

  • Muad'Dibber
    1 year ago

    Many communists like myself, who are vegan, consider the posting of the flesh of our animal comrades, to be in really poor taste.

    Animal liberation tends to be a blind spot in many people’s politics, due to a lifetime of normalized bourgeios flesh consumption.

    If we do have any animal-liberation discussions here, I just ask that they be done respectfully, with a view towards compassion to all parties.

    Edit, bonus vegan Riker :

      • @darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        He’s literally living under communism. A communism so advanced they can magic raw molecules using force-field driven 3d printers into whatever they want without much concern for any kind of cost involved. The ultimate ideal end-game which if achievable at all on any scale is centuries away from the day the US/NATO empire falls to revolution.

        Why would humans stop raising chickens for example? They’re fascinating creatures and the hens are pleasant to be around. They produce eggs. There is nothing wrong with eating their eggs, we feed them, they feed us. The problem is the abusive conditions they’re kept in.

        Also: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Meat

        William T. Riker once stated that Humans no longer raised animals for food, indicating they were not butchered for their meat.

        However, Miles O’Brien once stated his mother used real, unreplicated meat when cooking, (TNG: “Lonely Among Us”, “The Wounded”) and even much of the food at Sisko’s Creole Kitchen was seafood meat. (DS9: “Homefront”, “Paradise Lost”)

        Even William T. Riker ate pipius claw, gagh, and heart of targ. (TNG: “A Matter Of Honor”) He also used bunnicorn meat to make bunnicorn sausage for his pizza. (PIC: “Nepenthe”)

        (Struck out the new trek stuff as personally I consider it liberal revisionist garbage)

        • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
          151 year ago

          He’s literally living under communism. A communism so advanced they can magic raw molecules using force-field driven 3d printers into whatever they want without much concern for any kind of cost involved

          That’s exactly my point. He does. We do not.

    • @banana_bug@lemmygrad.ml
      -11 year ago

      idk man I mean, im a human but I wouldnt sensor images of human meat or a dead human provided it wasent excessively gory and off putting? like, I’m vego but I still have to put up with dead animals on the side of the road, seeing things you dont enjoy is a part of life

  • loathesome dongeater
    1 year ago

    It seems like a sensible thing to do if one wants to normalise veganism. At worst it is a minor inconvenience for those wanting to share images of non-vegan food. I don’t see what is so outrageous about this.

    • @frippaOP
      1 year ago

      Why should I be punished if I want to post an egg, being vegan is a choice and no one Is attacking that, just I feel like ice cream, cheese or eggs aren’t triggering things, if u dont eat them fine, but I think other should feel free to post an omelette

        • @frippaOP
          71 year ago

          Well, it is if its petty stuff like this, no one would in their right mind support a content waring on chairs, why should I add it on an ice cream?

            • @frippaOP
              121 year ago

              so we should put a content warning on salaries, theyre the result of exploitation after all

  • Muad'Dibber
    -11 year ago

    Locking this thread as it’s devolved into what I warned about below.

    Everyone please conduct yourselves respectfully with when on the topic of animal liberation, a highly contentious topic especially for those with a lifetime of bourgeois flesh consumption.

  • @CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
    -91 year ago

    Would you post a mutilated human corpse without an NSFW? That’s basically what you’re doing if you post a picture of animal product food.

    I say this as a person who still needs to stop eating corpses and rape products myself; militant veganism is good and cool.

    • @frippaOP
      121 year ago

      Am ice cream is in no way even similar to a mutilated human corpse and you know that

    • Drive-by Lurker
      111 year ago

      You’re going too far with this.

      Posting a picture of a mutilated animal corpse is the same as posting a picture of a mutilated human one, at best.

      Let’s be practical; having too broad a scope on what requires a trigger warning will have a trivialising effect. Do you expect people in general to tag nsfw for talking about their blt sandwich, for example? If not, then isn’t this all some kind of weird moralising flex?

      (And I’m tacking this on here because many of these militant veganists you praise have a habit of dismissing anyone who doesn’t completely agree with them as being hardened meat lovers who just hate vegans:

      I do advocate for bringing about the end of animal exploitation. I suppose the end goal if the vegan cause. I just think the way it’s being carried out here is incredibly alienating, and therefore ineffective.)

        • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
          101 year ago

          How is dairy a rape product? AFAIK it is not produced via a forceful sexual intercourse. Unless you consider milking to be a violation of the cow’s bodily autonomy?

          • Cows need to be pregnant to produce milk. In order to have a steady supply of milk, this will require continuously impregnating the cows against their will. Even in the industry the racks cows are attached to for forced insemination are called “rape racks”.

            • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
              101 year ago

              Cows need to be pregnant to produce milk.

              That doesn’t sound right from what I know, but it is entirely possible my knowledge is wrong or incomplete. Thank you for explaining, I’ll be off to research

          • Muad'Dibber
            51 year ago

            Cows don’t produce milk for nothing, they must be forcibly impregnated before they start producing milk. The industry term for the place they do that, is called the rape rack.

            I suggest you learn more about animal liberation related topics.

        • @frippaOP
          1 year ago

          Removed by mod

    • @frippaOP
      61 year ago

      And yet that expands to dairy products, would you consider an ice cream as some triggering stuff worthy of a trigger warning?