The “before pornhub” one really bothers me, because it seems to be implying that walking up to random women and assaulting them is something that should happen more.

    1 year ago

    The “before pornhub” one really bothers me, because it seems to be implying that walking up to random women and assaulting them is something that should happen more.

    Logic of this seems to be “public sexual assault is better than masturbation”? There are archeological layers of horribleness reaching at least conquest of Canaan in this meme.

    • ☭CommieWolf☆
      141 year ago

      I recall something about a case a few years ago where they wanted to take down a statue of this event somewhere in the US because the woman and her family didn’t want her sexual assault to be immortalized forever.

        1 year ago

        The kiss was forced and the woman had no say in the matter. They didn’t know each other and never even said a single word to each other, before or after.

        Even better? The sailor had a fiancé and was engaged… and decided sexually assaulting a random woman was a good choice. Really a stand up era.

        • ButtigiegMineralMap
          171 year ago

          That’s so much worse eew. He was just so “caught up in the moment” that he sexually assaulted a random woman and probably pissed off his wife in the process. What are the chances that his wife didn’t see one of the most famous pictures of the 20th century??!

            81 year ago

            Yep, apparently he just liked her Dental Assistants uniform since it reminded him of a nurses uniform. That was his only reasoning behind sexually assaulting a random woman on the street.

            A whole week after the surrender of Japan