There are a lot of “Shit X Says” communities now, which inevitably leads to quite a few cross-posts and makes people less likely to see others’ comments (e.g. someone comments on a “Shit Liberals Say” post, someone else on the “Shit Fascists Say” version of the post, etc.). It might be a good idea to just have one “Shit Reactionaries Say” community, either by creating a new one or by repurposing the most popular one (SLS), and then setting the other communities to only allow mod posts (basically read-only).
Thank you for coming to my TEDxLemmygrad talk. Proposal co-authored with a second mysterious tankie

Addendum: may be a good idea to also have one community for ultra-leftists separate from the one for general reactionaries.

  • Definitely agree, and we can make it a rule even. I know also some people are tired of seeing “downer” posts these communities produce and it’s easier for them to block out a single community than a whole lot of them.

    I’ll let other people decide how many new unified communities their should be though, but once we’ve reached a solution we can start enacting it.