Made with Midjourney using the parameters Karl Marx, cyber punk, neon, hyper realistic --q 2 --v 4

      1 year ago

      Quite old by computer standards, I think attempts were first made public in 2013-2014 and it took until 2016 to get a prototype going.

      As I understand it (many people are much more knowledgeable on neural networks than I am) there’s like several models you can choose from and then just rework them for your purposes instead of creating your own network from scratch. They’re on Github but you can’t do anything with them just by downloading them, they just provide the basic template. That’s why so many of those AI generators are popping up.

      You also have to train it so that it learns (the difference between neural network AI and conditional AI like we have in video games) and that takes time and also a workable set. I’m not sure about Midjourney (the bot used here, released only on Discord) but some of them use art that’s posted on the Internet which means they rip off artists’ styles.