Again some people who carried LGBT flag were arrested during some football match as far as I know, I saw it on Telegram.

Also, again some laws on banning ‘‘LGBT pRoPaGaNdA’’ were signed by government and Putin I think, they won’t shut up about it. What is up with this?

  • BinkieT55
    1 year ago

    Okay, time to hit a big one once and for fucking all and get off Lemmygrad for good. Everyone outside of our borders be like “ebil christianity, it made em russkies homophobes!!!”, “ebil puttler oppressing such homo russian population!!!” but have no idea that even proper commies unanimously stand against all this rainbowy shit. No, I’m not talking about CPRF, I’m talking about everyone but them. Reasons? Ohhhh boooy, get some air. 1. All this LGBT shit being different cases of mental and physical problems. Caused by different reasons, of course, but the nature of those cases still stands. AND YOU CAN BAN ME NOW, BECAUSE I DO AGREE WITH IT. 2. Why in the fucking universe would COMMIES of all things be bothered with this shit? Idk about Europe, America or other decadent rupturing hellhole, but in our parts all this LGBT stuff is so microscopic that you just do not need to bother. We here stand for the oppressed majority, not some groups of weird minorities. If you accentuate all this crap inside your steel-clad universal movement you’re literally causing internal split, because this way you will have a very vocal group which has different interests in mind. You do not need that. It can be weaponised and in the West they already weaponised it, you have your “beloved commie LGBT agenda” working for CIA and whatnot, being integrated into modern lib ideology. AND YES, I DO STAND FIRMLY WITH OUR RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS ON THAT TOO, WE DO NOT NEED TO BOTHER WITH LGBT IN COMMUNIST MOVEMENTS. This entire problem will solve itself once communism is in, one way or another, so we do not need to bother dealing with this libshit. Also, another point. It is a general tradition here to NOT put out your sexual life on display. If you really, reeeeeeally wanna for some reason to still sell all this crap here despite what I said - try to do it unlike in Europe, 'kay? Without parades and running around almost naked with rainbow flags. The general stance is that you can do whatever the hell you want with your love life, but do not. FUCKING. BOTHER. OTHERS. Especially if it’s something weird. Well, I’m done. Enough venting. Fuck this. I’ll be gone. Time will tell who is right in the end.