It is starting to reach freezing temps here and my bedroom is a nice and cozy 12 degrees C right now. My gf and I look like the grandparents in Charlie and the chocolate factory because we lay on the couch under blankets the whole evening. But my heating is still off.

I pay 66 euro’s a month right now but my energy supplier suggests upping it to 192 euro’s a month, or pay a 350 euro end bill. I choose the end bill in the hope that shit will calm down soon because the amount is doable right now. Several of my coworkers pay 2-4000 euro’s for their end bill though. Needless to say, they can’t afford it.

How about you guys? Got any tips to heat the house without turning the heating on?

  • Deer Tito (She/Her)
    41 year ago

    I have had the heating on for like a month, set at 20°C at day and 18°C at night in my bedroom where I spend almost all my time, and one set to 15°C in the rest of the apartment, and I have a blanket over me most of the time. I have chronic illness which makes me really bad at dealing at dealing with low temperatures.

    Fortunately the last two months bills have been under 1000 NOK (~100 USD/EUR), so I’m managing so far, but worried about the cost in the next few months.

      • Deer Tito (She/Her)
        51 year ago

        Wait what? I’ve been feeling iffy about quite a few of their positions, but ended up joining the party this year because I need to be doing something. Just read their updated statement, and the Red Party saying that they “support those who defend themselves against Putin’s troops and fight for their freedom, independence and democracy” is very disheartening, and I’m wondering if I’ve made a mistake. I don’t support Putin, but holy shit, Ukraine is not fighting for democracy or any kind of freedom that we value.

          41 year ago

          Maybe that and is operative. “Hey if you’re fighting Russia, thoughts and prayers. If you are in the other group that is fighting for freedom, independence or democracy, separate but equally valid thoughts and prayers” =P