It is starting to reach freezing temps here and my bedroom is a nice and cozy 12 degrees C right now. My gf and I look like the grandparents in Charlie and the chocolate factory because we lay on the couch under blankets the whole evening. But my heating is still off.

I pay 66 euro’s a month right now but my energy supplier suggests upping it to 192 euro’s a month, or pay a 350 euro end bill. I choose the end bill in the hope that shit will calm down soon because the amount is doable right now. Several of my coworkers pay 2-4000 euro’s for their end bill though. Needless to say, they can’t afford it.

How about you guys? Got any tips to heat the house without turning the heating on?

  • KiG V2
    91 year ago

    You may have already done this but insulation makes a big, big different. Windows closed, blinds closed, thick curtains closed (curtains can be expensive but well-worth the investment long term). Treating the house like a giant reverse fridge (e.g. don’t open the door long etc). Even placement of furniture can make a difference, if you’re desperate enough I would remix the house so to speak (and hey sometimes a switch up is nice!).

    I’m on easy mode though because we have a 1-bedroom, very small apartment that’s below ground-level with 3 floors on top of us and lots of surrounding tree cover. A little harder to heat than it is to cool but that’s our primary concern over here in North Carolina anyways.

    • @frippa
      41 year ago

      We have broken windows without money to fix Em and the balcony window needs to stay open for the cat’s things to poop, 😭