I don’t know who this guy is, but someone I follow on twitter took this screenshot and called him a Nazi and I’m willing to believe her.

Anyway, I’d love to ship this guy to the front lines so he can experience the reality of what war is actually like. I wonder if he’d still think the same.

  • @supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Movie is good. Incredibly good. Highlights how wwi was the most pointless suffering ever. Why wouldn’t you become communist after wwi?

    I have to die In a trench inhaling mustard gas because what? Cousins fighting over colonies? GTFOH.

    • @SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mlOP
      102 years ago

      WWI was one of the most stupidest conflicts I’ve ever heard of. So much tragedy because one guy was assassinated (there’s obviously more to it but that’s, like, the focal point). Definitely going to give this movie a watch, and the book a read.