I don’t know who this guy is, but someone I follow on twitter took this screenshot and called him a Nazi and I’m willing to believe her.

Anyway, I’d love to ship this guy to the front lines so he can experience the reality of what war is actually like. I wonder if he’d still think the same.

  • SovereignState
    231 year ago

    Wonder if anyone has any opinions on the movie itself, seems like a great review from herr Synth here.

    • @supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Amazing movie pointing out the futility the wwi. Just millions of people dying because one cousin colonized a piece of Africa or Asia another cousin wanted. The result of wwi should have been everyone going communist and not dying in a trench inhaling mustard gas all over again in wwii, but history is what it is unfortunately.

      Edit: Aside from that, a great movie. Really brings home the gruesome nature of war and fills you with dread. It’s amazing, I highly recommend it.

  • @supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Movie is good. Incredibly good. Highlights how wwi was the most pointless suffering ever. Why wouldn’t you become communist after wwi?

    I have to die In a trench inhaling mustard gas because what? Cousins fighting over colonies? GTFOH.

    • @SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mlOP
      101 year ago

      WWI was one of the most stupidest conflicts I’ve ever heard of. So much tragedy because one guy was assassinated (there’s obviously more to it but that’s, like, the focal point). Definitely going to give this movie a watch, and the book a read.

  • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    161 year ago

    Lmaoooo one of the main plot points of the book is that when Paul returns home on leave, he is disgusted by people talking about the war and wondering why all the soldiers are such cowards and why they aren’t already in Paris. Imagine somehow being a representation of a parody from a 100 year old book.

  • The Free Penguin
    141 year ago

    Btw, there’s no doubt that Synth is a Nazi (of course, there’s the possibility of synth being an edgy 12-year-old) bcs synth’s pfp is a literal SS member

    • @frippa
      111 year ago

      How to make a zip bomb

  • @frippa
    131 year ago

    Did someone watch that film? I heard its pretty good

    • Sr Estegosaurio
      41 year ago

      After reading what everyone is saying here I really want to read the book. Seams quite good.

  • JucheBot1988
    21 year ago

    “Storm of Steel” isn’t exactly unambiguously pro-war, either. Though it’s my experience that way more people quote that book than have actually read it.