• Evolutionary psychology in general? Excluding how the people in the image are using it, of course. Unless I’m misunderstanding the term, it seems reasonable to consider evolution (and any other biological factors) as part of psychological analyses, from a materialist perspective

    • @SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
      52 years ago

      I get where that thought comes from, as we have evolved psychologically and physically. The problem with the practice of Evolutionary Psychology is it’s used in a way that tries to define human behaviour based on what our ancestors did/how they behaved in the before-times rather than how we evolved into a much more complicated and nuanced species.

      This is usually done in a Darwinist-esque fashion to explain why women like certain traits or even behaviours because of the way we evolved. It’s almost like incel logic; bone structure and other ChadTM traits are peak evolution and women are psychologically wired to flock to said Chads. Hope that makes sense. There are way more detailed papers on the subject than what I can explain here. Definitely worth a look on Google Scholar.