Basically, my question involves to what extent I should obey my parents as an anarchist. I’m breaking their trust right now by writing this. Basically, in a long series of events that’s lasted my entire life, they’ve come to think that I’m obsessed with going on the computer, and recently with computer privacy and security. They only let me on the computer for school related purposes. Should I do what they say? I feel an anarchist might have a different answer about this. I feel like we’ve just been getting along so well lately, and we would all cry if they found out I broke their trust, but, on the other hand, child liberation? I’m really confused.

  • rockroach
    4 years ago

    hello young friend, first of all, only you can tell if your relationship with computers is healthy or not. as a rule of thumb when living with other people, when using the computer stops us from taking care of other responsibilities we might change how we spend time on computers. However I say this based on having being a teenager when there was no curfews/quarantines so I could actually go out, play ball, meet new people in real life. I would respect my parents for they cared about me, but again this is about me so I reiterate, only you can tell if you are obsessed with computers, and even if it’s the case, you are the one who would be able to tell if that’s a problem to you. Some people might argue that our urges are conditioned reflexes, which I interpret as, doing what we feel like doing doesn’t always mean being free. TL,DR: only you can know what you should do ;)