• Ratette (she/her)
    2 years ago

    Woah wtf they compared feminism and LGBTQ+ to fascism?!

    Fucking gamers 🙄

    Edit: okay just read the rant in the modlog, I’d hoped to not see these sorts of unhinged reactionaries in a ML space but clearly I was naive.

    Gamers and not hating women and women’s rights challenge: impossible

    Also capitalism doesn’t damage the gaming industry as much as feminism? Are you fucking kidding me?! Video games ARE being destroyed by capitalism lmao. Feminism doesn’t really impact the gamers (god I wish it did) because the cultural zeitgeist of gamers is inherently bigoted and exclusionary. Gamers dont give a shit if feminists find their favourite games misogynistic because gamers thrive on being contrary outcasts in their own little sphere. A circle jerk in which they control and bully others unless your white and male and L33T.

    “How can we bully and dominate others to make ourselves feel better because our self worth is exclusively associated with our ability to play a video game”.

    I genuinely adore video games and have played them kinda excessively since I was a little kid but it’s shit takes like this and cringe embarrassing incel energy fueled bigotry that makes me embarrassed and ashamed to consider myself someone who plays video games.