• @aworldtowin
              2 years ago

              Look dude I don’t mean to fedjacket, but you sound like either a young kid who just got into Marxism at best, or a fed spreading total bullshit talking points to discredit China. Sorry but this ultraleft bullshit is so obvious to any well read Marxist. Socialism is a long process that is defined as the transition period between capitalism and communism. In a practical sense, this is when workers take and hold state power and being steering the ship if you will towards the goal of communism.

              Beyond that basic background knowledge, anyone talking as big as you are about China should know they refer to their stage of development as “primary stages of socialism”, with the current goal being a moderately prosperous socialist country. In the past 25 years real wages in China have gone up by over 4x. Imagine if in the US the median wage went up fucking 400% in that time. Spoiler, it will never happen outside of hyperinflation.

              • @pancake
                21 year ago

                Good explanation, at least I found it very instructive. But please, try not to be that harsh to people who are just learning the ropes, there’s no point, especially if you think they are children. Getting frustrated at them is understandable, but think of all the good you can do by simply calming down and finding the words to explain Socialism to a few people :)

            • No answer is sufficient because it’s an awful question that was asked in both ignorance and bad faith.

              Also socialism is not even the end of surplus value extraction. If your only issue is ending exploitation, and not building the infrastructure to sublate the natural laws of capital, or building the political power to survive in an imperialist world, you reduce yourself to an ideologue shaking your fist at the sky and we already have enough of those. They are dime a dozen.