I don’t know what to say

  • @SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
    62 years ago

    The amount of non-native species used on lawns and gardens is also literally unsustainable. Native plants thriving is better for everyone, can even help with flooding and water waste. They’re suited for the environment and therefore don’t harm the native fauna and adapted to the climate.

    • DankZedong OP
      52 years ago

      The cities in The Netherlands stopped mowing weeds next to the roads or in certain parks and just let them be. Suddenly, insects returned by the thousands. Turns out letting nature do its thing is good.

      • @SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
        12 years ago

        Yes! Hope that happens in my city. Thistles are annoying as hell but the rest of our native plants are really pretty. Better than golf course grass. Less time and resources wasted with watering and other maintenance.

        • DankZedong OP
          32 years ago

          Maybe you could start a petition or something. It’s a measure that saves costs as well, so why wouldn’t they listen?

          It’s great for biodiversity as well. I’ve seen plants in the last few years that I had not seen my entire life before that. Makes you think how much we fuck up nature for something as dumb as a mowed roadside.