Extremely mild shock

  • @CamaradaD@lemmygrad.ml
    222 years ago

    Not that it swayed his voters away. Almost all of them said it was ‘taken out of context’ - the go-to right-wing excuse for people who like to deny reality.

    • Camarada Forte
      92 years ago

      Though, it really caused a stir in his evangelical support base. So much so that he went to the TSE to prohibit Lula’s campaign from associating him with pedophilia

      • @CamaradaD@lemmygrad.ml
        72 years ago

        Oh, that did happen, yeah. I just find outright creepy there’s people who still defend that guy. That means either a large number of the people are flat-out evil or really, really, really willingly ignorant.

        • MexicanCCPBot
          62 years ago

          I mean, after him trying to use Covid to decimate indigenous peoples and being complicit in the burning of the Amazon, I think it is a prerequisite to be very evil to support him

          • @CamaradaD@lemmygrad.ml
            52 years ago

            Indeed. And it disturbs me - a lot of those people are all around me. Coworkers, relatives, etc. Makes one wonder how many of them would have you ‘disappeared’ if they could.

    • @SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
      92 years ago

      Even if he didn’t assault a child, he still witnessed a sex trafficking ring and did nothing about it. How his supporters aren’t disgusted by that fact I will never know.

      • @CamaradaD@lemmygrad.ml
        32 years ago

        Trust me, I’m equally as baffled. Even my mother’s shocked - and she’s not into politics at all (even when she should).

        It’s why I think their followers must be just evil. As sad as it is, I find some things are hard to handwave or be willfully ignorant about. That is one of them.